LOCUS AAS81796.1 267 aa PRT BCT 30-JAN-2014 DEFINITION Thermus thermophilus HB27 formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase mutM protein. ACCESSION AE017221-1448 PROTEIN_ID AAS81796.1 SOURCE Thermus thermophilus HB27 ORGANISM Thermus thermophilus HB27 Bacteria; Deinococcus-Thermus; Deinococci; Thermales; Thermaceae; Thermus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1894877) AUTHORS Henne,A., Brueggemann,H., Raasch,C., Wiezer,A., Hartsch,T., Liesegang,H., Johann,A., Lienard,T., Gohl,O., Martinez-Arias,R., Jacobi,C., Starkuviene,V., Schlenczeck,S., Dencker,S., Huber,R., Klenk,H.-P., Overbeek,R., Kramer,W., Merkl,R., Gottschalk,G. and Fritz,H.-J. TITLE The genome sequence of the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus JOURNAL Nat. Biotechnol. 22 (5), 547-553 (2004) PUBMED 15064768 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1894877) AUTHORS Henne,A., Brueggemann,H., Raasch,C., Wiezer,A., Hartsch,T., Liesegang,H., Johann,A., Lienard,T., Gohl,O., Martinez-Arias,R., Jacobi,C., Starkuviene,V., Schlenczeck,S., Dencker,S., Huber,R., Klenk,H.-P., Overbeek,R., Kramer,W., Merkl,R., Gottschalk,G. and Fritz,H.-J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (03-FEB-2004) Goettingen Genomics Laboratory, Institute for Microbiology and Genetics, Grisebachstr. 8, Goettingen D-37077, Germany COMMENT On or before Dec 13, 2005 this sequence version replaced AE017301.1, AE017302.1, AE017303.1, AE017304.1, AE017305.1, AE017306.1, AE017307.1. FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Thermus thermophilus HB27" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="HB27" /db_xref="taxon:262724" protein /gene="mutM" /locus_tag="TT_C1454" /old_locus_tag="TTC1454" /EC_number="" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MPELPEVETT RRRLRPLVLG QTLRQVVHRD PARYRNTALA EGRRILEVDR RGKFLLFALE 61 GGVELVAHLG MTGGFRLEPT PHTRAALVLE GRTLYFHDPR RFGRLFGVRR GDYREIPLLL 121 RLGPEPLSEA FAFPGFFRGL KESARPLKAL LLDQRLAAGV GNIYADEALF RARLSPFRPA 181 RSLTEEEARR LYRALREVLA EAVELGGSTL SDQSYRQPDG LPGGFQTRHA VYGREGLPCP 241 ACGRPVERRV VAGRGTHFCP TCQGEGP //