LOCUS AAL65071.1 213 aa PRT BCT 31-JAN-2014 DEFINITION Pyrobaculum aerophilum str. IM2 conserved hypothetical protein protein. ACCESSION AE009441-2579 PROTEIN_ID AAL65071.1 SOURCE Pyrobaculum aerophilum str. IM2 ORGANISM Pyrobaculum aerophilum str. IM2 Archaea; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei; Thermoproteales; Thermoproteaceae; Pyrobaculum. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2222430) AUTHORS Fitz-Gibbon,S.T., Ladner,H., Kim,U.J., Stetter,K.O., Simon,M.I. and Miller,J.H. TITLE Genome sequence of the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum JOURNAL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 (2), 984-989 (2002) PUBMED 11792869 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2222430) AUTHORS Fitz-Gibbon,S.T., Ladner,H., Kim,U.-J., Stetter,K.O., Simon,M.I. and Miller,J.H. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (12-DEC-2001) Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1489, USA COMMENT On or before Feb 25, 2009 this sequence version replaced AE009746.1, AE009747.1, AE009748.1, AE009749.1, AE009750.1, AE009751.1, AE009752.1, AE009753.1, AE009754.1, AE009755.1, AE009756.1, AE009757.1, AE009758.1, AE009759.1, AE009760.1, AE009761.1, AE009762.1, AE009763.1, AE009764.1, AE009765.1, AE009766.1, AE009767.1, AE009768.1, AE009769.1, AE009770.1, AE009771.1, AE009772.1, AE009773.1, AE009774.1, AE009775.1, AE009776.1, AE009777.1, AE009778.1, AE009779.1, AE009780.1, AE009781.1, AE009782.1, AE009783.1, AE009784.1, AE009785.1, AE009786.1, AE009787.1, AE009788.1, AE009789.1, AE009790.1, AE009791.1, AE009792.1, AE009793.1, AE009794.1, AE009795.1, AE009796.1, AE009797.1, AE009798.1, AE009799.1, AE009800.1, AE009801.1, AE009802.1, AE009803.1, AE009804.1, AE009805.1, AE009806.1, AE009807.1, AE009808.1, AE009809.1, AE009810.1, AE009811.1, AE009812.1, AE009813.1, AE009814.1, AE009815.1, AE009816.1, AE009817.1, AE009818.1, AE009819.1, AE009820.1, AE009821.1, AE009822.1, AE009823.1, AE009824.1, AE009825.1, AE009826.1, AE009827.1, AE009828.1, AE009829.1, AE009830.1, AE009831.1, AE009832.1, AE009833.1, AE009834.1, AE009835.1, AE009836.1, AE009837.1, AE009838.1, AE009839.1, AE009840.1, AE009841.1, AE009842.1, AE009843.1, AE009844.1, AE009845.1, AE009846.1, AE009847.1, AE009848.1, AE009849.1, AE009850.1, AE009851.1, AE009852.1, AE009853.1, AE009854.1, AE009855.1, AE009856.1, AE009857.1, AE009858.1, AE009859.1, AE009860.1, AE009861.1, AE009862.1, AE009863.1, AE009864.1, AE009865.1, AE009866.1, AE009867.1, AE009868.1, AE009869.1, AE009870.1, AE009871.1, AE009872.1, AE009873.1, AE009874.1, AE009875.1, AE009876.1, AE009877.1, AE009878.1, AE009879.1, AE009880.1, AE009881.1, AE009882.1, AE009883.1, AE009884.1, AE009885.1, AE009886.1, AE009887.1, AE009888.1, AE009889.1, AE009890.1, AE009891.1, AE009892.1, AE009893.1, AE009894.1, AE009895.1, AE009896.1, AE009897.1, AE009898.1, AE009899.1, AE009900.1, AE009901.1, AE009902.1, AE009903.1, AE009904.1, AE009905.1, AE009906.1, AE009907.1, AE009908.1, AE009909.1, AE009910.1, AE009911.1, AE009912.1, AE009913.1, AE009914.1, AE009915.1, AE009916.1, AE009917.1, AE009918.1, AE009919.1, AE009920.1, AE009921.1, AE009922.1, AE009923.1, AE009924.1, AE009925.1, AE009926.1, AE009927.1, AE009928.1, AE009929.1, AE009930.1, AE009931.1, AE009932.1, AE009933.1, AE009934.1, AE009935.1, AE009936.1, AE009937.1, AE009938.1, AE009939.1, AE009940.1, AE009941.1, AE009942.1, AE009943.1, AE009944.1, AE009945.1, AE009946.1. FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Pyrobaculum aerophilum str. IM2" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="IM2" /type_material="type strain of Pyrobaculum aerophilum" /db_xref="taxon:178306" protein /locus_tag="PAE3647" /note="Hypothetical; Conserved" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MNDVYKCPVC GQLTESPTHC GVSAVKILDG AMRLKISKLL SLALRHSPSV LGLSLDKGGW 61 ADVKTALEGL RKAGIRADYE ALYAVVALDE KGRFELKDGK IRARYGHTID VEVEYEADSE 121 SKVLYHGTSR HLLPSIMAQG LLPMRRRYVH LSPDFATACQ NARRRPLPVV IEIDAECLRA 181 RGYVVYAASG KVRLAKHVPP ECLKKVVDCP TPS //