LOCUS AAD49684.1 159 aa PRT VRL 15-OCT-2003 DEFINITION Human betaherpesvirus 6B B1 protein. ACCESSION AF157706-100 PROTEIN_ID AAD49684.1 SOURCE Human betaherpesvirus 6B ORGANISM Human betaherpesvirus 6B Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Peploviricota; Herviviricetes; Herpesvirales; Orthoherpesviridae; Betaherpesvirinae; Roseolovirus; Roseolovirus humanbeta6b. REFERENCE 1 (bases 19696 to 22886) AUTHORS Pellett,P.E., Sanchez-Martinez,D., Dominguez,G., Black,J.B., Anton,E., Greenamoyer,C. and Dambaugh,T.R. TITLE A strongly immunoreactive virion protein of human herpesvirus 6 variant B strain Z29: identification and characterization of the gene and mapping of a variant-specific monoclonal antibody reactive epitope JOURNAL Virology 195 (2), 521-531 (1993) PUBMED 7687803 REFERENCE 2 (bases 64106 to 84963) AUTHORS Stamey,F.R., Dominguez,G., Black,J.B., Dambaugh,T.R. and Pellett,P.E. TITLE Intragenomic linear amplification of human herpesvirus 6B oriLyt suggests acquisition of oriLyt by transposition JOURNAL J. Virol. 69 (1), 589-596 (1995) PUBMED 7983761 REFERENCE 3 (bases 64106 to 84963; 106012 to 126166) AUTHORS Lindquester,G.J., Inoue,N., Allen,R.D., Castelli,J.W., Stamey,F.R., Dambaugh,T.R., O'Brian,J.J., Danovich,R.M., Frenkel,N. and Pellett,P.E. TITLE Restriction endonuclease mapping and molecular cloning of the human herpesvirus 6 variant B strain Z29 genome JOURNAL Arch. Virol. 141 (2), 367-379 (1996) PUBMED 8634027 REFERENCE 4 (bases 64106 to 84963) AUTHORS Lindquester,G.J., O'Brian,J.J., Anton,E.D., Greenamoyer,C.A., Pellett,P.E. and Dambaugh,T.R. TITLE Genetic content of a 20.9 kb segment of human herpesvirus 6B strain Z29 spanning the homologs of human herpesvirus 6A genes U40-57 and containing the origin of DNA replication JOURNAL Arch. Virol. 142 (1), 103-123 (1997) PUBMED 9155876 REFERENCE 5 (bases 106012 to 126166) AUTHORS Lindquester,G.J., Greenamoyer,C.A., Anton,E.D., O'Brian,J.J., Pellett,P.E. and Dambaugh,T.R. TITLE Comparison of a 20 kb region of human herpesvirus 6B with other human beta herpesviruses reveals conserved replication genes and adjacent divergent open reading frames JOURNAL Arch. Virol. 142 (1), 193-204 (1997) PUBMED 9155884 REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 162114) AUTHORS Dominguez,G., Dambaugh,T.R., Stamey,F.R., Dewhurst,S., Inoue,N. and Pellett,P.E. TITLE Human herpesvirus 6B genome sequence: coding content and comparison with human herpesvirus 6A JOURNAL J. Virol. 73 (10), 8040-8052 (1999) PUBMED 10482553 REFERENCE 7 (bases 19696 to 22886) AUTHORS Pellett,P.E. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (26-JUL-1993) Herpesvirus Section, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop G18, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA REFERENCE 8 (bases 64106 to 84963; 106012 to 126166) AUTHORS Pellett,P.E. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-OCT-1993) Herpesvirus Section, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop G18, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 162114) AUTHORS Pellett,P.E., Dominguez,G., Dambaugh,T.R., Stamey,F.R., Dewhurst,S. and Inoue,N. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (10-JUN-1999) Herpesvirus Section, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop G18, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA REMARK Sequence updated by submitter COMMENT On or before Aug 16, 1999 this sequence version replaced L14772.1, L16947.1, L13162.1. FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Human betaherpesvirus 6B" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="Z29" /db_xref="taxon:32604" /note="variant B" protein /gene="B1" BEGIN 1 MQKNMKTKKT KKRGRKEGNT PETERRMEPA RSRTSAIPSG LRRRSGPSTP LRPGPEVRHA 61 PTWRTASATT ADSHRISPPY TPSSRGRHIH TRGARTRTRE TSAAEINGVY ARAVTRKTKR 121 SETIDRLLLS VLPGHGPHAS LRSHLRARSA LRPPPDPPR //