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      List of Entries

      1 - entries / Number of founds: 392  
        PrimaryAccessionNumber Definition SequenceLength MolecularType Organism
      CQ143444 Sequence 13466 from Patent WO0157276. 150 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ146468 Sequence 16490 from Patent WO0157276. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ341107 Sequence 15201 from Patent WO0157275. 141 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ081858 Sequence 17658 from Patent WO0157278. 103 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ104740 Sequence 13599 from Patent WO0157272. 150 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ266822 Sequence 15083 from Patent WO0157277. 141 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ304847 Sequence 15952 from Patent WO0186003. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ304999 Sequence 16104 from Patent WO0186003. 82 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ076834 Sequence 12634 from Patent WO0157278. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ076971 Sequence 12771 from Patent WO0157278. 82 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ350609 Sequence 24703 from Patent WO0157275. 103 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ187666 Sequence 19062 from Patent WO0157274. 103 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ206277 Sequence 8554 from Patent WO0157271. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ145469 Sequence 15491 from Patent WO0157276. 141 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ267822 Sequence 16083 from Patent WO0157277. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ056782 Sequence 7602 from Patent WO0157270. 90 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ057534 Sequence 8354 from Patent WO0157270. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ075832 Sequence 11632 from Patent WO0157278. 141 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ076056 Sequence 11856 from Patent WO0157278. 90 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ342086 Sequence 16180 from Patent WO0157275. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ181905 Sequence 13301 from Patent WO0157274. 95 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ267033 Sequence 15294 from Patent WO0157277. 90 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ301877 Sequence 12982 from Patent WO0186003. 150 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ106814 Sequence 15673 from Patent WO0157272. 141 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ181151 Sequence 12547 from Patent WO0157274. 90 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ304054 Sequence 15159 from Patent WO0186003. 90 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ339075 Sequence 13169 from Patent WO0157275. 150 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ116519 Sequence 25378 from Patent WO0157272. 103 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ145698 Sequence 15720 from Patent WO0157276. 90 DNA Homo sapiens
      CQ146610 Sequence 16632 from Patent WO0157276. 82 DNA Homo sapiens
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